You may have heard parts of my story on the radio. You may have read the small 16 page “journal” that I published called Stating The Obvious, but I believe it is time to tell the rest. My name is Logan, and this is my story. I was born with a double cleft palette which was operated on and fixed when I was a baby, however, it left behind a rather noticeable scar and my nose was often considered flat and off center by the other kids. For the most part, I didn’t really have a hard time dealing with that until I was in the 7th grade. -[]- I stopped at my locker to get the books for my next class. Most of the other kids typically grabbed all the books they needed for the next several classes, but I always figured it was easier to get them one class at a time. “So, Logan, what’s your next class?” the pretentious kid with a neighboring locker asked. “Oh, I know what it is…it’s ‘How To Pick Up Your Books in Two Minutes Or Less.’ Isn’t that it?” came another...