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Showing posts from December, 2020

Dealing With Rona

I want to start of by saying that this blog is my OWN experience and in absolutely no way reflects what others may experience with Rona and what I did to deal with it is no way is a suggestion on what anyone else should do.  Do note that everything I did was under the advice of my doctor as well as my assigned nurse practitioner.  I also want to encourage each and every one of you not to live in fear.  Don't get me wrong, Covid is very real and can be dangerous.  It can do horrible things to you.  But don't let the fear of Covid overtake your willingness to live your life.  We have become afraid to make contact with other humans.  We cringe when someone gets too close. We have stopped trusting each other and even God.  This is bad. We have allowed political leaders to take over our lives, hide the truth, and distort data for their own benefit. God will prevail in this.  Good can and will prevail from this, but it won't happen by being fearful and afraid.  We MUST pray and s