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Dealing With Rona

I want to start of by saying that this blog is my OWN experience and in absolutely no way reflects what others may experience with Rona and what I did to deal with it is no way is a suggestion on what anyone else should do.  Do note that everything I did was under the advice of my doctor as well as my assigned nurse practitioner. 

I also want to encourage each and every one of you not to live in fear.  Don't get me wrong, Covid is very real and can be dangerous.  It can do horrible things to you.  But don't let the fear of Covid overtake your willingness to live your life.  We have become afraid to make contact with other humans.  We cringe when someone gets too close. We have stopped trusting each other and even God.  This is bad. We have allowed political leaders to take over our lives, hide the truth, and distort data for their own benefit. God will prevail in this.  Good can and will prevail from this, but it won't happen by being fearful and afraid.  We MUST pray and seek God's intervention.  He is the only hope to overcome the evil seeking residence in every area of our lives. 

Now on to the my experience. 

I want to start off by saying that I have no idea where or how I got this.  My wife and I were always very careful where we went.  I did get new glasses the week before all of this, and had to spend a 15 minutes at the eye doctor twice, which was located in the storefront of a major chain, but have no proof that that is where I got this. 

Sunday 12/13/20 - Day 0 (the day I first noticed possible symptoms):  At about 6pm, I started getting chills and not feeling that great.  I figured I just very tired because I hadn't slept well the night before.  I went to bed early. (Before 10pm).  Didn't sleep well at all.   Coughing all night.

Monday - Day 1: According to my Fitbit, I got less than 2 hours of sleep from coughing all night.  Finally got out of bed to sign into work. (Been working from home since March). Felt like death warmed over.  Took my temperature.  It was 99.9.  (My normal temp is between 95.0 and 96.4 since my thyroid surgery). After about an hour of "being at work", I  mentioned to my coworkers and my boss that I wasn't feeling well and that I suspected I should get tested for Covid.  By 10am, my fever had increased to 102.4. I scheduled my test for the next day at 1:50pm (the soonest anyone could get me in).  I signed out of work at noon, and already decided to take the next day off to rest. I had a major brain fog. Also major achiness throughout.  Pretty sure I pulled the muscles all the way down to my toes from coughing. 

Tuesday - Day 2: I actually slept throughout most of the night. Saw a video from a trusted friend from a doctor that had some excellent advice on a vitamin assortment to take to help fight The Rona.  (Note this is NOT ME telling you what to take..this is what I took, and it worked FOR ME).

Vitamin D3 with K 20,000 IU 1st day, 10,000 IU for 6 days after, all at once. 
Vitamin C: As much as you can take
Zinc: 150mg a day.  (I wasn't able to start the zinc at that strength as we only had lozenges at the time).

I contacted a good friend of mine from Oregon who had just got done kicking Rona's butt, and was actually hospitalized.  I mentioned the "vitamin cocktail" that I heard about.  He pretty much confirmed that that was what they had him take at the hospital as well.  So, I felt pretty good about it and started it that day.  

I was actually feeling pretty good this day other than that brain fog, and was wondering if maybe I just had a 24 hour flu, but I got tested anyway.  At the testing center, I told the nurse that I was feeling quite good, and she said that I will likely notice it coming and going over the next 10 or so days.  Later that night, I started feeling worse.

Wednesday - Day 3:  Work up feeling almost as bad as Monday. Signed into to work for the day.  Got a new symptom today.  My skin was super sensitive.  My clothes actually hurt.  Brain fog was worse than before.  Massive headache above my right eye that was only exasperated when I coughed. At this point, I was pretty confident I had Covid, but still waiting for the test results. Body aches getting worse. 

Thursday - Day 4: Woke up at 6am, logged into my email and saw my test results were in.  Positive. Went back to bed until 8, signed into work.  The coughing stepped up it's game a bit.  Starting to hurt more all over.  Side note:  Two different friends stopped by with soup for us this day.  One was Bob Evans chicken noodle and the other was a homemade chicken rice soup which was absolutely amazing.  We love our friends.  I can't remember, but I think was the day our Zinc arrived, so I started taking 150mg.  I got a call from a Nurse Practitioner from my work who went over stuff I've already heard from the health board as well as my doctor.  Stay inside, etc.  She agreed with the Vitamin cocktail I told her about as well.  

Friday - Day 5:  Work up feeling amazing.  Signed into work.  No aches.  No pains.  No cough.  Until about 3pm.  The later into the night it got, the less wonderful I felt.  The coughing got worse.  Overall, the symptoms were less flu like and more cold like.  In the evening, my skin was driving me nuts again.  I couldn't even stand to sit in my chair.  Fortunately, bed didn't hurt.  So I went there. 

Saturday - Day 6: Woke up feeling pretty much the same, though my skin was no longer trying to drive me out of it. Coughing was starting to really hurt now.  The headache was beyond awful every time I coughed. Didn't sleep well at all. 

Sunday - Day 7:  Woke up feeling pretty much the same.  Watched church livestream.  Managed to stay awake, which was a feat because I was really tired. Chest starting to hurt slightly from coughing. My guess...bruised ribs. Can totally hear rattling in my chest.  Fun.  No breathing issues though. I get this all the time when I have a bad cold, so I'm not too concerned.  Food started tasting bland.  Didn't completely lose my taste.  Can't smell worth anything though, but that's not super abnormal for me when I'm sick.  Started feeling better by bed time. 

Monday - Day 8: Feeling pretty horrible in the morning, but once I got up and moving around and signed into work, I'm feeling better.  Still have that "weird" feeling in my chest from the cold.  Still have slight brain fog.  Some friends from church are bringing us dinner tonight too.  Did I mention that we love our friends? 

My quarantine is up on Christmas, officially, however, my wife is several days behind me, so we are pretty much getting to do nothing for Christmas.  That's probably the worst thing of all with this. 

I feel like I'm on the upswing at this point.  Any further updates will likely just be put on my Facebook page. 


This is in no means going to be what YOU may experience.  Some people get this a lot worse.  Some may even get it milder.  Do not take anything I say as any kind of medical advice.  I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  Music advice?  That I can do.  

Anyway, for me, this started off like a bad flu, and then morphed into a horrible cold.  With bonus features.  

I don't wish this on anybody.  It's not fun at all.  However, I stated above don't live in fear from this.  It will only make it worse.  


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