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A Long Non Political Yet Somewhat Political Rant

First, I'm going to apologize.  This is long.  Very long.  PLEASE read it though.  I know I have stated in the past that I wasn't going to talk politics much more on Facebook, but this isn't really about politics.  It's about us that are Christians.  If you don't identify as a Christian, still feel free to read it, you might see that not all of us evangelicals are crazy.

I have a good friend that posted this, and rather than just sharing it, I wanted to repost it as I have some additional thoughts. She also posted three pics, Please view the pics before reading below.  I do not know which Social Platform she got the screens from.  But they make a point that she addressed.  They are important for the context.

First, my friend posted these pics.  (Once you see the pics, continue reading below)

Second, my friend said this:  

In case we are wondering, Church, how this world got so messed up, take a look at the screenshots below. I'm not saying this is 100% proof. But I do know many, not all, Christians are big Trump fans. So I guess he got the prayers. I won't touch that one. I hate politics.

All I know is that we can look around and see our leadership going off the rails. Better get off of our soap boxes and onto our knees if we are going to make it through this. As usual, talking to myself too.

Now, my thoughts. 

I pretty much agree with her thoughts, but have some additional thoughts as well. 

I don't typically "hashtag."  It's rare, anyway.  My guess is a lot of people my age don't.  Also, my guess is that the people that are hashtagging praying for Donald Trump and NOT "hashtagging" Joe Biden are people that really need to evaluate what scripture says.  Let's look at 1 Timothy 2:1-2:

"First of all, then, I urge that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made in behalf of all people, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity."

See that?  We should be praying for "kings and all who are in authority."  That means our government.  Not just the government we like. If we were to be honest, there really isn't a whole lot of government that any of us like...especially lately in our country.  Sure, we voted for the ones we thought we'd like best, but we all know they all have their own agenda, and most of the time that agenda includes their own interests, whatever they may be. 

I know many of you, non-Christians or even Christians that don't consider themselves evangelical or "fundie" think that those of us that are, are all crazy people riding the Trump Train, supporting everything he did in the past, and in his presidency.  I'll be the first to say that while I do think he did some good things during his office, but he also did some things I don't agree with.  Before, during and after.  He's a human. He claims to be a Christian.  Let me let you in on a little secret.  All humans, including all Christians are flawed.  We are sinners.  Paul in the Bible said he was the chief of sinners.  I bet that many of us have given Paul some good competition on that aspect. 

So, with that clearing the air, if this post hasn't yet got me banned, please continue to read.  

To me, prayer, or lack thereof, is the crux of the issue, honestly. Too many Christians aren't actually standing on solid ground and buckle at the first sign of trouble, where as people of other religions do not. Prayer is a keystone of our faith.  Not praying at all, means you aren't on solid ground.  Period. Or if some people do pray, they pray for their own wants, even about their own needs.  

I mean I look even at the other religions that supposedly pray to the same God but aren't what we would call Christians. The ones that go door to door, or wear suits while riding their bikes while on their mission. If only we as Christians (as a whole) had that same zeal. Ya know?

And let's not forget the other absolutely non Christian religions...the ones that call us infidels....they stand for what they believe in until death. While what their zealots do is abhorrent, they know what they believe and aren't afraid to die for their beliefs.

Then again, I see Christians in those third world countries that have the same strong beliefs in their faith. They pray constantly.  They know that they aren't guaranteed tomorrow, let alone their next 5 minutes.  Prayer is a very important way for them to maintain their faith, and their joy. 

So it's not Christianity as a whole, it's western Christians that take everything about what Jesus says and did for granted and have no real solid / core faith. Again, not all, but as a whole.

Too many of us would rather have our ears tickled in church with feel good songs and feel good messages about how God loves us, if God even gets mentioned at all or simply encouraging us to do good things and find our purpose in life.

While both of those are 100% true, it not even 50% of the message.

Ok, I'm getting off my soapbox now.

I'm going to get out of my comfort zone and hashtag as well.









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